
The Reports page helps Crew Managers see exactly what actions have been taken, when, and by who, in your Martide account..

Using the Reports page

Log into your Martide account and click on Reports In the menu on the left hand side. You will go to this page:

Screenshot of the Reports function in Martide's maritime crew management software solution

Click on Audit Log and you will go to this page:

Screenshot of the Reports function in Martide's maritime crew management software solution

Here you can:

  • See all the actions that you or one of your team have taken in Martide.
    • See the date and time of the action, who did it (the actor), the action itself (created, updated, deleted), the page the action took place on, and the field ID and what changed.
      • Filter the Audit Log by clicking the blue funnel icon at the top.  

        How to filter your Audit Log

        Click the blue funnel icon and this will open up a side panel where you can filter and search for actions by various criteria. These are:

        • Actor.
          • Action (created, updated, deleted.)
            • Tracked Schema (includes data and Martide features such as address, assignment, candidate, contract, crew change, data template, flight request, message, pipeline, vessel and many more.)
              • Recorded date (from and until.)  

                If you have any other questions please get in touch with us at