Flight Requests
If you are a travel agent with a Martide account you can log in and see if a crew manager or manning agent has asked you to look for flights for them.
The Flights Request page
Log into your Martide account. You will go directly to the Flights Request page:
Here you can:
- See the date, vessel name, port, number of on- and off-signers, see if any of those are the top 4 (Master, Chief Officer, Second Officer, Chief Engineer), see who the flight request is assigned to in your company, and the request’s status.
- Filter your flight requests by clicking the funnel icon at the top of the page.
- Sort your requests in ascending or descending order by clicking the arrows next to Date or Vessel.
- View details of a request by clicking on the date.
How to view a flight request’s details
Click on a date. You will go to this page:
Here you can:
- See an overview of the port where the crew change is to take place, the on-signing seafarers and the off-signing seafarers.
- See more details about the port, its nearest airport, the dates and times the vessel will berth and depart, and how long the vessel will be in port.
- See the names and ranks of seafarers you need to arrange travel for, the airport they are flying from or to, the embarkation type, whether or not they have all their documentation. (A green icon means yes, a red icon means no), and the preferred port for the crew change.
- Click on the port name to see further details and add travel arrangements. (See below - 1.)
- Click on a seafarer’s name in either the on signers or off signers sections to go to their profile. (See below - 2.)
- Click on a seafarer’s name in the overview column on the left to see or arrange travel for them. (See below - 3.)
How to add and view travel arrangements (1)
Click on the name of the port and you will see this:
Here you can:
- See the port and crew change details: airport, berthing, departure, port stay and cost.
- See the port agent’s details.
- See the on and off signers and their travel arrangements.
- See the costs associated with each on and off signer and their travel.
- Add flight details manually.
- Add, edit and delete travel arrangements.
How to see and add a seafarer’s travel arrangements
Scroll down to the on or off signer sections:
Here you can:
- See the details of Erick’s first trip, including the fact that the tickets are issued
- See that the Trip 2 is still waiting to be arranged.
- Scroll across using the grey bar at the bottom to view details of the issued tickets and to add more flights:
Here you can:
- Click the 3 vertical dots to add a flight manually. You will be able to enter all flight details, add more legs to the journey and attach eTickets.
- Click the down arrow to view more information about that flight - this will show you flight number, flight times, the class (Business, Economy etc.) and baggage allowance. You can also ‘open’ the booking to see more details, add another leg to the journey and attach an eTicket:
Viewing a seafarer’s profile (2)
When you click on a seafarer’s name in the on signers or off signers sections you will go to their profile. It looks like this:
Here you can:
- See a seafarer’s personal details.
- Scroll down the page to see their contact details, personal preferences with regards to their contract, details of their medical examinations and certificates, details of their vaccinations and certificates, details and copies of their visas, passport and other travel documentation, plus other information including their licenses and seafaring certificates.
- Download copies of certificates and documents by clicking the download arrow icon (to download just that certificate) or the 3 vertical dots (to download all certificates in that section):
Viewing a seafarer’s travel arrangements (3)
Click on a seafarer’s name in the overview column on the left hand side and you will see this:
Here you can:
- See a brief summary of the seafarer’s personal information.
- See their documents and download any attachments.
- See their crew change port details.
- See the details of their trips, both arranged and waiting to be arranged.
- Scroll across using the grey bar at the bottom to view details of the issued tickets and to add more flights. (This is the same as adding details of flights and eTickets when you click on the port name - see section 1 above.)
- Scroll down to see what working gear has been issued for the seafarer and if they’ve received it yet.
How to filter your flight requests
On the main Flight Request page, click the blue funnel icon at the top. This will open a side panel where you can filter and search your flight requests by: vessel, change over dates, the person the request has been assigned to, the status (requested or done) and the port:
If you need any further help with your flight requests, please get in touch at support@martide.com