Maritime Recruitment

Posts about maritime recruitment software and actionable marine recruitment tips and strategies for Crew Managers, Recruitment Officers and Manning Agents.

5 Ways to Accelerate Your Time to Hire in Maritime Recruitment

5 Ways to Accelerate Your Time to Hire in Maritime Recruitment

In maritime recruitment your time to hire is vital. You’ve crew change over dates to meet and it’s crucial you make the deadlines. But if you’re facing an uphill battle when it comes to filling your seafarer job vacancies in a timely fashion, it’s time to take a look at what may be slowing you down.

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3 Questions to Ask Candidates in Maritime Recruitment

3 Questions to Ask Candidates in Maritime Recruitment

One thing being talked about in recruitment for seafarer jobs at the moment is candidate experience. The theory is that by improving this and engaging better with potential employees, you’ll be more likely to acquire top talent. And one way to do that is to ask better interview questions.

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7 Ways Maritime Recruitment Teams Can Go Paperless

7 Ways Maritime Recruitment Teams Can Go Paperless

The paperless office is something that most workplaces aspire to be. Eliminating, or at least, reducing, the amount of paper you use is not just better for the planet, it’s also kinder on your budget too when you remove the need to purchase paper, printer ink and even files and folders.

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How Crewing Software Can Increase Retention Rates

How Crewing Software Can Increase Retention Rates

Is crew retention an issue in your small to mid sized shipping company? Do you struggle to fill seafarer jobs and hold on to seamen once the contract is over? If the crew you hire are defecting to your competitors you have a problem. One way to solve that is to implement a crewing software solution.

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Shipowner & Crew Manager Guide to Creating a Company Profile

Shipowner & Crew Manager Guide to Creating a Company Profile

As a shipowner or crew manager you may wonder how you get started on our platform. We work hard to ensure our crewing and maritime recruitment management solution is user friendly but we want you to get the most out of Martide so here we’ll take you through the steps to create your Company Profile.

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A Guide to Creating Maritime Job Vacancies on Martide

A Guide to Creating Maritime Job Vacancies on Martide

Martide’s maritime recruitment software helps shipowners and managers streamline their candidate sourcing, interviewing and hiring processes. From the moment you post a job to the minute you hire a recruit, we’re with you every step of the way. We’ll walk you through the process to get you started.

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How to Boost Crew Retention with Tolerance & Diversity

How to Boost Crew Retention with Tolerance & Diversity

It’s no secret many shipping companies struggle with employee and crew retention. Indeed, it’s no secret many companies, in any industry, have problems recruiting and retaining staff. So what can be done to tackle this? After all, losing crew to your competitors is not only annoying, but costly too.

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The Unexpected Way You Can Grow Your Candidate Database

The Unexpected Way You Can Grow Your Candidate Database

Growing your candidate database can be hard and though there may be plenty of seamen who are looking for jobs at sea, not all of them might make the grade. Of course you want licensed and qualified crew onboard your vessels, but are you being too picky when it comes to hiring for your seafarer jobs?

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How to Develop an Effective Maritime Recruitment Process

How to Develop an Effective Maritime Recruitment Process

As a small to medium-sized shipowner or manager, you know maritime recruitment can be stressful. But the good news is, there’s a way you can minimize the stress (and expense) of constantly trying to find new seafarers. You just need to develop an effective maritime recruitment process. Here’s how.

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5 Reasons You're Struggling to Fill Your Seafarer Jobs

5 Reasons You're Struggling to Fill Your Seafarer Jobs

Are you posting adverts for maritime jobs but not attracting the number of applicants you expected? A shortage of candidates is a headache for shipowners and manning agents. You know seafarers are out there but why aren’t they biting your arm off for a chance to work for your company?!

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How to Identify Red Flag Candidates in Maritime Recruitment

How to Identify Red Flag Candidates in Maritime Recruitment

You’re hiring for your open seafarer jobs and your crewing system and maritime recruitment process are working well. Now you’re at the interview stage. Some of your interviewees are great all the way through the interview...but others, well others, might set alarm bells ringing halfway through.

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3 Steps to Getting Started with Martide for Manning Agents

3 Steps to Getting Started with Martide for Manning Agents

Manning agents have lots of plates to spin to ensure a balance in finding seafarers crewing vacancies and helping shipowners fill open seafaring jobs quickly. In this post we’re giving manning agents in the maritime industry the lowdown on logging into and getting started with their Martide account.

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How to Attract the Next Generation in Maritime Recruitment

How to Attract the Next Generation in Maritime Recruitment

Are you doing everything you can to attract a new generation of seafarers? Thought you could just place a job ad and wait for applications to roll in? Marine recruitment can be tough! But Martide is here to help - so let’s take a look at what today's seafarers expect from the recruitment process.

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How to Write Eye-Catching Maritime Recruitment Job Ads

How to Write Eye-Catching Maritime Recruitment Job Ads

Filling positions and growing your candidate database can be tricky in many sectors but in the maritime industry with its constant turnover of contracts and crew retention issues, it can feel like a never ending struggle.That’s why you must ensure the job adverts you post are, well, doing their job!

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This Martide Feature Helps You Grow Your Candidate Database

This Martide Feature Helps You Grow Your Candidate Database

We know making sure you have a well-stocked candidate database is vital in maritime recruitment. But aligning some ranks and crew change dates can be easier said than done. And rushing to find not only that rank, but also the right seafarer in that rank, can be stressful. Here’s how Martide helps!

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How Up-to-Date is the Maritime Recruitment Agency You Use?

How Up-to-Date is the Maritime Recruitment Agency You Use?

In shipping, not everyone is onboard when it comes to abandoning old practices and embracing new. Do your maritime recruitment agencies fall into that category? If you suspect the companies you use to fill your maritime jobs could be more efficient it’s time to take a look at who you partner with.

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How to Choose the Best Maritime Recruitment Agency

How to Choose the Best Maritime Recruitment Agency

Are you a shipowner looking for a maritime recruitment agency to fill your seafarer jobs? Maybe you’re not getting results from your current crewing company. Perhaps you’re hiring a recruiter for the first time. Make sure you choose the right team for the job by reading this post first.

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Candidate Evaluation in Maritime Recruitment

Candidate Evaluation in Maritime Recruitment

If you don’t have previous knowledge of an applicant to one of your seafarer jobs, candidate evaluation is crucial in maritime recruitment. Yes you need to hire someone qualified and experienced but you want to pick the right seafarer by learning more about their background and personality too.

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Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Maritime Candidate Database

Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Maritime Candidate Database

Are you a shipowner or manager fed up with trying to grow your candidate database to fill your jobs at sea? We’d love to tell you there’s a quick fix solution - but there isn’t. However the good news is, there’s some sure-fire ways to make the never-ending maritime recruitment drive less painful.

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Why You Need to Learn to Let Go & Start Delegating

Why You Need to Learn to Let Go & Start Delegating

As a small to medium sized shipowner or manager, you don’t need us to tell you how busy you are. But if you’re not delegating to your team, you’re missing out on a trick. The thing is, in theory delegation sounds easy - but there’s more to it than simply telling someone to “Do that for me, please.”

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What is Mobile Maritime Recruitment?

What is Mobile Maritime Recruitment?

Are you reading this blog post on your laptop or desktop computer? Or are you reading it on your phone? Why are we asking, you might wonder. But trust us, there is a point to this. And it can affect the way you run your maritime recruitment and crew planning operations. Welcome to mobile recruiting.

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How Transparency Can Improve Your Crew Retention Rates

How Transparency Can Improve Your Crew Retention Rates

In this blog post we’re going to examine another way you can create better and more honest engagement with the seamen and women who apply for your maritime job vacancies, and therefore increase the chances of them remaining loyal to your shipping company. It’s time to talk about transparency.

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Why You Need to Start Hiring Seafarers with Tech Skills

Why You Need to Start Hiring Seafarers with Tech Skills

If you think about it from a traditional point of view, it might seem a little strange needing a seafarer who lists coding, programming or other techie skills on his or her maritime resume. But times are changing and like many sectors, the maritime industry is now starting to embrace digitization.

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The Simple Guide to Software as a Service

The Simple Guide to Software as a Service

You’ve heard the term Software as a Service (SaaS) but are you 100% sure what it means and, more importantly, how it could help you run your shipping company or manning agency with more efficiency? An SaaS can be invaluable in streamlining maritime recruitment and crew planning so let’s take a look.

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Why Manning Agents Need to Learn to Love Tech

Why Manning Agents Need to Learn to Love Tech

Many manning agents who work with clients in the shipping industry are struggling to stand out amongst their sea of competitors. After all, crewing agencies are two-a-penny in traditional port towns and cities. But what are the reasons behind this issue? And could technology be the answer?

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Maritime Recruitment Headaches? Let Martide Help!

Maritime Recruitment Headaches? Let Martide Help!

What are some of the steps that shipping companies can take to promote seafaring as a career and fill their vacant maritime jobs? The need to attract and retain seafarers is a huge issue and one we all need to step up to if shipowners can beat their marine recruitment headaches.

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3 Ways to Simplify Your HR & Maritime Recruitment Processes

3 Ways to Simplify Your HR & Maritime Recruitment Processes

In maritime recruitment you’re not only hiring people for your shore based maritime jobs but also seafarers on contracts. It’s not surprising it can feel like your HR department is chasing its own tail half the time! We take a look at how you can simplify your maritime recruitment efforts.

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Why Your Shipping Co. or Manning Agency Must be Adaptable

Why Your Shipping Co. or Manning Agency Must be Adaptable

The dictionary defines adaptability as “...being able to adjust to new conditions.” And it’s a crucial trait for the maritime industry to possess: future technologies have infiltrated every facet of our traditional sector and companies who bury their heads in the sand need to shape up or ship out.

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5 Things to Do Once You've Created a Martide Account

5 Things to Do Once You've Created a Martide Account

Welcome to Martide. We’re thrilled that as a shipowner or manager you’ve decided to simplify your maritime recruitment processes and crewing systems by joining us! If you created a Martide account and are wondering what to do next, read on as we take you through five steps to get you up and running.

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Building a Strong Online Maritime Recruitment Strategy

Building a Strong Online Maritime Recruitment Strategy

Businesses are constantly building their strategies to adapt to an ever-changing world. This is now even more vital with the changes brought about by the pandemic. One business strategy that’s rapidly transforming is talent acquisition as recruiters struggle to adjust to a remote hiring process.

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What Makes a Good Manning Agency in Maritime Recruitment?

What Makes a Good Manning Agency in Maritime Recruitment?

If you’re a small to medium-sized shipping company who wants to enhance your maritime recruitment operations and you’re either looking to work with a manning agency for the first time or you’re seeking to switch maritime recruitment suppliers you might be wondering what makes a good manning agent.

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How to Host an Online Maritime Recruitment Interview

How to Host an Online Maritime Recruitment Interview

Whether you’re new to recruitment and interviewing, you’re making the switch from phone interviews to video interviews, or you just feel that some of your hiring team could do with a refresher course, we’ve written this blog post as a guide to successful online maritime recruitment interviews.

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Why You Need to Up Your Maritime Recruitment Email Game

Why You Need to Up Your Maritime Recruitment Email Game

As a company working in maritime recruitment we know that when it comes to sourcing top talent for your jobs at sea your recruitment emails need to be top notch. But it’s unrealistic to think you’re going to handcraft every email you send to every candidate. Which means turning to email templates.

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9 Ways to Make Sure Your Office Employees are Motivated

9 Ways to Make Sure Your Office Employees are Motivated

As a manager or manning agent working in maritime recruitment or crew planning in the shipping industry, you know how important it is to make sure that your office staff - your recruitment operators and your crew planners - are motivated and productive. Here are some tips to make sure that happens!

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How to Help Your Manning Agency Win More Clients

How to Help Your Manning Agency Win More Clients

If you’re a manning agency, you don’t need us to tell you that you have a lot of competition - especially if you are located in a country where seafaring is one of the biggest professions. So how do you make sure you stand apart from that competition and attract more clients and better seafarers?

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Why Collaboration in Maritime Recruitment is Crucial

Why Collaboration in Maritime Recruitment is Crucial

Collaboration is a word that gets thrown around a lot and as a result it can feel a bit meaningless. But in maritime recruitment and crew planning, collaborating with coworkers can mean the difference between an efficiently run department and one that’s struggling to meet crew change dates.

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3 Ways to Stop Candidates Ghosting You

3 Ways to Stop Candidates Ghosting You

You advertise your seafarer jobs. A candidate applies. They’ve the right qualifications, their documents are valid. You interview them and they’re a great fit for your vessel. You negotiate salary, offer them a contract and then...nothing. They disappear. Welcome to the world of candidate ghosting.

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How to Find Crew for Your LNG Fueled Vessels

How to Find Crew for Your LNG Fueled Vessels

LNG fueled ships are potentially changing the future of the maritime industry. Liquefied Natural Gas has been proven to be a feasible replacement for oil based fuel. But as with any new marine tech this game changer for commercial shipping doesn't come without issues.

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Make Seafarer Sourcing Plain Sailing with Martide

Make Seafarer Sourcing Plain Sailing with Martide

In this blog post we’re going to look at seafarer sourcing from a slightly different perspective and talk you through how using Martide’s maritime recruitment and crew management Software as a Service solution can help you with your seaman recruitment woes. Let's get straight down to it!

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Why You Should Hire a Head of Talent in Maritime Recruitment

Why You Should Hire a Head of Talent in Maritime Recruitment

Can your shipping company afford to operate without a Head of Talent? Considering the current skills shortage in the maritime industry the answer may be “No.” Talent acquisition is vital if you want to stay ahead and a busy shipowner needs someone to take care of maritime recruitment for them.

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How to Turn Your Employees into Brand Advocates

How to Turn Your Employees into Brand Advocates

Not convinced that your employees and contractors can help you fill your vacant seafarer jobs? What if we told you that your employees’ social media posts are likely to be way more effective than your official business or company page? How much is ‘way more’? It’s about eight times more.

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What is a Hiring Team in Maritime Recruitment?

What is a Hiring Team in Maritime Recruitment?

A hiring team will be responsible for the recruitment process from recruiting talent, interviewing seafarers to hiring the ideal seaman or woman for the position. So, if you want to lighten your load a bit, then it might be a good idea for you and your company to form a hiring committee.

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Simplify Maritime Recruitment with Martide Message Templates

Simplify Maritime Recruitment with Martide Message Templates

At Martide, we know that as a shipowner or ship manager working in a small to medium sized shipping company, your days are hectic: maritime recruitment, crew management...the list goes on. That’s why we’ve made it far easier for you to stay in touch with candidates, seafarers and manning agents.

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How to Attract Tech Talent in Maritime Recruitment

How to Attract Tech Talent in Maritime Recruitment

The need for tech savvy people and seafarers means many shipping companies struggle to attract employees and contractors who have the latest technical skills. There’s a number of reasons and we take a look at some of them and consider how to address the lack of tech talent in the maritime industry.

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Is Your Maritime Recruitment Process Losing You Candidates?

Is Your Maritime Recruitment Process Losing You Candidates?

Do you feel like you should be getting more candidates applying for your seafarer jobs? You know your company is great to work for but applicants are either not coming through the door or are dropping out of the process halfway through. Could there be an issue with your maritime recruitment process?

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Why You Shouldn't Cheat on your Maritime Recruitment Agency

Why You Shouldn't Cheat on your Maritime Recruitment Agency

You may think that coming from a company who helps shipowners streamline maritime recruitment operations the title of this post is a biased. And you might be right! But stick with us as we explain why only working with one recruitment agency in the maritime industry makes more sense than you think.

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4 Maritime Recruitment Challenges (And How to Solve Them)

4 Maritime Recruitment Challenges (And How to Solve Them)

Wondering why recruiting the right seafarers for your maritime jobs is such hard work? All you want is to fill your empty seafarer jobs positions with suitable candidates but it seems to be increasingly difficult to hire top talent. How can shipping companies eliminate staffing headaches for good?

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How to Write Job Offer Emails in Maritime Recruitment

How to Write Job Offer Emails in Maritime Recruitment

Of all recruitment emails a job offer is the one that you need to send as quickly as possible. It’s no secret that shipping companies and maritime recruitment agencies are suffering from a lack of candidates. That’s why if you’ve interviewed top talent let them know before they accept another offer!

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Why You Should Adopt Integrated Maritime Recruitment

Why You Should Adopt Integrated Maritime Recruitment

Using integrated technology to find candidates is far from new. But some companies in maritime recruitment and the industry have fully embraced it by taking the sluggish processes within traditional recruitment systems, refining them, and combining them into one powerful tool for efficiency.

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5 Risks of Using Social Media to Screen Your Candidates

5 Risks of Using Social Media to Screen Your Candidates

Screening candidates for seafarer jobs on social media is free, quick and easy. BUT there are things to watch out for. Martide takes a look at a few of the pitfalls to help you as a small to medium sized shipping company decide whether or not candidate screening on social media is right for you.

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Why Listening is Vital for Crew Retention

Why Listening is Vital for Crew Retention

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing the best of your candidates finish a contract, disembark from your vessel, head home for a rest...then disappear never to be heard from again. Crew retention issues are stressful! Here’s why listening is a crucial tool in the war against vanishing crew.

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Why Great Communication is Essential for Crew Retention

Why Great Communication is Essential for Crew Retention

If you’re struggling to retain seafarers at the end of contracts there’s an issue with your crew retention strategy. Being unable to keep the best seamen and seeing them walk away to line up their next contract with your competitors is frustrating and costly. So how do you stop crew jumping ship?

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Why Your Shipping Company Needs a Social Media Presence

Why Your Shipping Company Needs a Social Media Presence

Social media is a polarizing topic but whether you love it or hate it, one thing’s for sure and that is that companies need it. And that includes your small to medium sized shipping company. Don’t believe us? We look at some of the reasons why you should consider having a social media presence.

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5 Tips for Better Maritime Recruitment Interviews

5 Tips for Better Maritime Recruitment Interviews

There are so many different moving parts to maritime recruitment that surely anything you can do to make your life easier is a good thing, right? Scratch that, it’s a great thing! And one of those elements of the marine recruitment process is, of course, your job interviews with seafarers.

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How to Encourage More Women to Apply for Maritime Jobs

How to Encourage More Women to Apply for Maritime Jobs

That there is a lack of women in maritime jobs will come as a shock to absolutely no-one. The reasons why have been discussed at length so how does the industry encourage females and increase the number of women at sea? After all, this rewarding career and a life at sea should be open to all!

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Why Manning Agents Should Join Our Approved Partner Network

Why Manning Agents Should Join Our Approved Partner Network

Newcomers to Martide’s maritime recruitment and crew management solution might wonder what the difference between our Existing and Approved Networks of manning agents is. So if you’re one of those manning agents - or a shipowner - you’re in luck as we’re going to explain exactly that in this post!

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