Reduce Maritime Recruitment Costs with Cloud Computing

Nov 13, 2019 · 8 mins read ·

Crewing Software, Maritime Recruitment
lightbulbs in front of clouds

Maritime recruitment and crew management are two of the cornerstones on which your company in the shipping industry is built. And they are changing almost beyond recognition as the use of technology in shipping becomes ever-more prevalent.

But rather than being something to be feared or looked upon with suspicion, digitization can provide huge benefits to those who choose to embrace it.

How cloud computing helps your maritime recruitment department save money

As a small to medium sized shipowner or ship manager, you know that efficiency is everything.

Finding qualified crew, checking documents, arranging visas and flights, and negotiating contracts all in time for a crew change over date can be stressful to say the least.

There are so many cogs in the machinery of maritime recruitment and crew management that you need to be running the tightest ship possible. And yes, that pun was intended!

So how do you pull all those various strands of your marine recruitment operations and crewing systems together?

You need to be using systems that have been designed and built for maximum efficiency. And that means adopting certain technologies such as cloud computing.

a finger pressing a cloud on the screen of a cellphone 

What is cloud computing (in simple terms)?

Cloud computing is a form of outsourced online service.

Think of it a little like the way you use electricity or gas in your home or office. You don’t really need to concern yourself about the source of the gas, where it comes from, or how you have access to it: You just do. It’s there, on tap and at the end of the month or quarter you pay the supplier for what you’ve used.

The cloud works on a similar principle, except it’s internet based. You use it for computing, to run software and for secure data storage, without having to worry about the nuts and bolts of its structure or internal workings.

Basically, the cloud is the internet and cloud computing refers to Software as a Service (SaaS).

Martide’s platform is an SaaS created specifically for the maritime industry.

We provide you with the tools you need to manage your shipping company’s maritime recruitment and crew management operations and you don’t need to worry about how it all works behind the scenes because we take care of that for you!

Is cloud computing safe?

Do you use Google Documents in your workplace? Google Docs is an example of an SaaS. It’s a tool for business productivity that is created, hosted and provided by Google for anyone to use.

Users access it from their web browser on their computer, laptop or smartphone, and the software and all of the data are stored on internet servers.

Martide's maritime crew management software on a laptop with the User Accounts feature open

The fact that Google use the cloud to help power businesses across the globe should give you some idea of how safe cloud computing is.

At Martide we comply with the standards that have been set by leading classification societies to stay in accordance with the STCW. That means your company’s standards and procedures will fulfill the requirements of QHSE and the ISM code. You will also be GDPR compliant.

Cloud-based maritime recruitment and crewing systems

When you adopt a cloud-based solution for recruitment and crew management you’ll benefit from one simple point of access. Literally everything you need to find, interview, hire and manage crew will all be in one place.

This is what’s known as an integrated system. You’ll be able to view candidate profiles, documents, vessel portfolios, and your job vacancies without needing to log in to numerous different websites, programs or applications.

Read more: What is a Crewing System & Why Does Your Maritime Recruitment Strategy Need One?

In fact, integrated systems have been shown to reduce the time and cost of recruiting by 20% when compared to traditional recruitment methods.

The cloud gives you global access to more candidates

Thanks to the cloud, Martide's SaaS platform gives seafarers and shipowners from across the globe a way to connect with each other.

Seafarers can find jobs, shipping companies can advertise them, and both parties can communicate with each other through our secure messaging feature.  

screenshot of Martide's maritime crew management software showing the message inbox

As a shipowner or manager with a Martide account, you’ll be able to use filters to find the right seafarers for your requirements.

That means you can refine your searches so if you're looking to fill chief engineer jobs there’s no need to sort through endless profiles of junior electricians, oilers or ordinary seamen.

Secure and convenient document storage in the cloud

As a shipping company, you know that the maritime industry is heavily documented. You need access to all of the necessary seafarer documents before you sign off on a contract with a candidate.

Martide make that easy by allowing you to upload copies of certificates to the system where they’ll be stored in one convenient, secure location for easy viewing.

Better integration gives you tools to work more efficiently

It’s no secret that recruitment in the maritime industry has many different moving parts.

Martide’s integrated crewing system brings together everything you need as a shipowner to streamline your recruitment processes: an Applicant Tracking System, HR and recruitment, crew management tools, and access to audited manning agents.

They’re all there in our one seamless software solution.

What if you’re already using a legacy maritime recruitment system?

That is to say - what if you have an older software program, website or application you’ve been using for years to manage recruitment and crew management? Won’t switching to Martide rock the boat? Cause massive disruption to your crewing systems?

The answer to that is no.

the word 'nope' painted onto a wooden fence

Switching to Martide doesn’t eliminate legacy recruitment systems but in fact improves upon them. It allows for the outsourcing of a vessel through a single source.

By bringing together all of these systems, shipowners can view candidates that they may not have otherwise been aware of.

Read this: How Up-to-Date is the Maritime Recruitment Agency You Use?

(And seafarers can view vacant jobs at sea - jobs like yours - that they might have missed too.)

Learn how Martide can help you

If you’d like to make your life easier by using a secure, scalable and streamlined cloud based integrated recruitment and crew management system we’d love to tell you more.

We think that once you make the switch to Martide you’ll be glad you did! Contact us now and schedule a no-obligation demo with one of our friendly and knowledgeable team.

Eve Church

Eve Church

Eve is Martide's content writer, publishing regular posts on everything from our maritime recruitment and crew planning software to life at sea. Eve has been writing professionally for more than two decades, crafting everything from SEO-focused blog posts and website landing pages to magazine articles and corporate whitepapers.


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