The Power of a Great ATS in Maritime Recruitment

Nov 08, 2022 · 6 mins read ·

Crewing Software, Maritime Recruitment
a maritime ATS on a computer monitor

As someone working in maritime recruitment, whether you’re a shipowner, manning agent, crew operator or recruitment officer, you’ve no doubt heard of Applicant Tracking Systems - or ATS as they’re often abbreviated to.

But what actually are they? What do they do? How do Applicant Tracking Systems work?

And, more importantly, how can an ATS help you alleviate the stresses and strains caused by constantly worrying about filling your empty jobs at sea?

What is an Applicant Tracking System?

If you’re not completely clear on what an ATS is, think of it as being something built and designed for monitoring and tracking recruitment processes. It’s possible you use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution in your shipping company. If so, an Applicant Tracking System is not too dissimilar.

Read more: What is an Applicant Tracking System in Maritime Recruitment?

At its simplest, an Applicant Tracking System is a software program that helps an organization handle its recruitment processes more efficiently through the use of technology. It’s an online solution to the difficulties of ensuring that each and every part of an application and subsequent hire are taken care of.

As you know, you need to have checked all the boxes before it comes to signing off on a contract and you don’t need us to tell you that recruiting in the maritime industry comes with certain headaches.

Variable contract lengths, ensuring documentation, visas and seaman’s books are correct and valid, the coordination and booking of flights for seafarers, and making sure change over dates are met all need absolute attention to detail.

images of seafarers in a maritime candidate database

And that’s even without taking care of the regular nuts and bolts of hiring a seafarer or employee such as checking their skills, work experience and qualifications are all in order.

Read more: Shipowner & Crew Manager Guide to Martide's Applicant Tracking System

Applicant Tracking Systems enable collaboration between teams

Because there are all these different aspects of maritime recruitment, collaboration between different people is normally vital. An Applicant Tracking System can take care of that by centralizing all the information pertaining to a candidate and their application.

A maritime recruitment ATS helps you filter seafarers

The other great thing about an Applicant Tracking System (such as Martide’s ATS for example!) is that they can be used to automatically filter candidates depending on the criteria selected by you, the shipowner or manager.

Looking for an Able Seaman with a visa for the United States? Need a Chief Officer with certain levels of certification? Tell the system and it will only show you seafarers from our global database that match your requirements.

A good ATS comes into its own when you’ve employed an effective recruitment strategy and then have a rich talent pool of seafarers to choose from.

Martide connects shipowners, manning agents and seafarers

Martide is a rapidly growing maritime recruitment agency operating from offices located across the globe including in Singapore, Odessa, Hamburg, and Manilla. Our aim is to shake up the traditional methods that many shipowners and managers use to recruit seafarers.

a maritime recruitment applicant tracking system on a computer

But - and here’s the but - without the need for you to change your existing processes.

This is about enhancing what you already have to work with by combining it with our solution and creating something far, far better!

It’s all about connection: Connecting you the shipowner or manning agent with qualified seafarers to fill your jobs at sea.

Our people are dedicated while our Software as a Service is a multifaceted platform that gives you the tools you need to effectively manage multiple hiring and recruitment pipelines.

Read more: The Simple Guide to Software as a Service

Martide's organized candidate profiles, structured interviews, tools for team collaboration, inbuilt messaging system, negotiation and evaluation tools, and full reporting suite give you the information you need to make the right hiring choice all within a shorter time frame than traditional recruitment methods allow for.

What should you do next?

Whether you’re a shipowner, ship manager or a manning agent and you’re looking for a better, more efficient way to source, interview and hire seafarers, we highly recommend you get in touch with us.

We’ll be more than happy to tell you why an Applicant Tracking System ATS can help pull your recruitment game plan together into one cohesive blueprint for success.

Martide's seafarer jobs on a laptop

And - bonus - Martide’s maritime recruitment software is also integrated with our crew planning system too, meaning you can take care of all of your operations using just one platform.

Want to know more about how Martide can help you fill those empty jobs at sea? Contact us now to arrange your free, no strings attached demo.

Meanwhile, why not follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter / X too?

Eve Church

Eve Church

Eve is Martide's content writer, publishing regular posts on everything from our maritime recruitment and crew planning software to life at sea. Eve has been writing professionally for more than two decades, crafting everything from SEO-focused blog posts and website landing pages to magazine articles and corporate whitepapers.


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