New updates and improvements to Martide.
Sep 15, 2018
September 15th 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Users can now see previews of all uploaded documents and images before they go live on the website.
- A name field for Documents is no longer required.
- Blood Type field has been added to the Physical Specification section.
- The Master Document is separated into three sections based on tonnage.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now upload several English Test results for each candidate.
- Shipowners / crew managers can navigate to a Candidate page by clicking on the candidate name on the Recruitment page.
- Shipowners / crew managers can set just the Interview Stage in a pipeline instead of Physical Interview and Skype Interview.
- Shipowners / crew managers can set Marital Status and Gender as required on a data template page.
- Candidates can add all required information and upload documents on an Application page.
Aug 15, 2018
August 15th 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- New homepage design.
- An Employer page has been added with a list of key values of the product for Shipowners / crew managers.
- Messaging system improvements.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now add teammates to a company profile and resend invites if needed.
- Shipowners / crew managers can see the list of new applicants by clicking on the 'New Applicants' number on the Dashboard page.
- Shipowners / crew managers can use tags like 'first name' or 'address’ to create a message or contract templates. All information will be added to a message or contract from the candidate’s account automatically.
- Shipowners / crew managers can specify the number of required candidates for each position by managing the 'Quantity' value in recruitment settings.
- Shipowners / crew managers can import a list of candidates to the system using an NS5 file.
- New Application page design.
- List of jobs on the Find Job page are now filtered according to the current candidate rank.
- Candidates can now withdraw an application on the My Job page.
Jun 28, 2018
June 28th 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- All medical documents are now displayed on the 'Medical Check stage' of the recruitment process.
- A shipowner / crew manager can see which candidates were previously hired on the Candidates page.
- Improvements made to the English Test function.
- The Failed Questions document is no longer required at the English Test stage.
- Test Result documents are now stored in the User Profile and can be edited by a shipowner / crew manager.
- Shipowners / crew managers now can see a table on the Dashboard page displaying information about new applicants, applications and hired candidates.
- Improvements made to the search function on the Find Job page for candidates.
- Candidates now have a 'History section' on the My Job page where previous positions are displayed.
- Errors identified and corrected.
Jun 01, 2018
June 1st 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- New email design.
- Pipeline creation and functionality reworked. It's now much easier for a shipowners / crew manager to create a custom recruitment process.
- Errors fixed and improvements made.
May 22, 2018
May 22nd 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- New design for candidates which is also adapted for mobile devices.
- Candidates can see details of the recruitment process on the My Job page.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now choose a manning agent for advertising their position.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now see the number of applied and hired candidates for each position on the Recruitment page.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now see the source of each candidate.
- Other minor fixes.
Apr 30, 2018
April 30th 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Candidates can set 'Offshore' or 'Ashore' status in their profile.
- Metric types have been added for Physical Specifications section in a candidate profile.
- Improved interview responses for the employment process.
- Improved Dashboard page for shipowners / crew managers showing all information about new applicants.
- Position search fixes.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
Apr 23, 2018
April 23rd 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Errors identified and corrected within the recruitment process and password restore functionality.
- Improvement of appointments, messages and visas in Recruitment.
- Directory pages have been added with lists of all companies, vessels, and positions.
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes.