
New updates and improvements to Martide.

Oct 31, 2019

October 31st 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents are now sent an alert if they try to add the same seafarer to more than one job vacancy.
  • A vessel’s flag information has been added into the PDF CV for seafarers.
  • A basic integration for the ATPI travel agency has been built.
  • The vessel’s flag has been added to the Recruitment page.
  • Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents now have the ability to print out the questions and responses for an interview.
  • Users now have the ability to rotate attachments.
  • Rank, Gender, Airport and Phone Number have been added to Data Templates.
  • Minor bugs have been fixed to make the dashboard work better.
Oct 04, 2019

October 4th 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • It's now possible to drag and drop a file from your computer to upload it.
  • When searching for a candidate or vessel etc you can now type what you’re looking for and hit enter. The option to select several values from the dropdown is still there.
  • All documents are now presented in their original size when previewed.
  • The complete start and end dates of a contract are now displayed in a candidate’s work history section in their profile.
  • Candidates now receive an email when a shipowner / crew manager or manning agent has applied them to a job vacancy.
  • The engine KW info has been added to a vessel’s details and to a candidate’s work history.
  • In the advertisement stage when creating a new position, shipowners / crew managers can leave instructions for manning agents and job descriptions for candidates.
  • If a shipowner / crew manager or manning agent applies a candidate for a vacancy but they already have an active position the system will show a warning notification.
  • On the Negotiation page, a shipowner / crew managercan select any currency for the agreed salary, even if a different currency is used in the position’s budget.
  • On the Dashboard page shipowner / crew manager can see a list of candidates who have/have been applied to a vacancy or hired for a position by clicking the relevant number.
  • The list of permissions in the User Groups feature under Settings has been renamed to match their page titles.
  • The type of vessel is now displayed on the job detail page on a manning agent’s side.
Aug 21, 2019

August 21st 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • On the Candidate page shipowners / crew managers can choose a manning agent to manage a new candidate.
  • To make a candidate an ex-crew member within the system, users can set the Ex-Crew option in the candidate profile's 'personal section'.
  • Change over date is now displayed next to each position on the Position page. Closed positions are no longer displayed using a dropdown menu.
  • Shipowners / crew manager can save the tracking number on the Contract Sign page and also see the tracking number that was set by a manning agent.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can include instructions for manning agents on a Position Creation page.
  • On the Fleet page, users can search vessels by IMO and sort them by 'Creation Date'.
  • The list of documents on the Data Template page is now sorted by name.
  • Redesign of the search filters on the Recruitment and Candidates pages for shipowners / crew managers and manning agents.
  • Engine details can now be exported to a candidate's CV.
  • Engine stroke info added to the Jobs page on the manning agent side.
  • Manning agents and Supporters now receive email notifications when the candidate has moved to a stage they manage (outsourced stage).
  • In the work history section users can edit previously suggested vessels or suggest a new vessel even if the IMO is already taken.
  • Email notification improvements.
  • API improvements.
Jul 11, 2019

July 11th 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • In 'Work History', the user who created the page can now select a vessel from the dropdown menu. DWT, IMO and engine info for the vessel is added automatically.
  • If there are no required vessels in the dropdown, users can add one via the Suggest a vessel link. Once approved, it will be available to all users.
  • Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents can now see a candidate's work experience summary sorted by rank and vessel type.
Jun 25, 2019

June 25th 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • Shipowners / crew managers can see and manage medical documents that were uploaded by a manning agent or supporter.
  • On the Dashboard page, shipowners / crew managers can now click on a 'new candidates counter' and see a list who was applied or hired to a position.
  • Manning agents and Supporters can manage and approve the 'Interview' and 'Approve' stages of a recruitment process if a shipowner / crew manager has allowed them to.
  • Settings link has been moved to the Profile and is accessible by clicking on the user's avatar. All settings options are now displayed on a separate page.
  • Comments and 'Martide option' added to the 'Advertising stage' on the Recruitment Creation page.
Jun 03, 2019

June 3rd 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • Registering as a 'Ship Owner' is now available and allows shipowners / crew managers to register a company by themselves.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can now send messages to a manning agent who sourced a candidate. 'Manning agent chat option' is now available at each step of a recruitment process.
  • Only Martide company users can see and manage candidates who create an account by themselves.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can select the 'Martide' option at the advertising stage within the process of creating positions to ask us to find candidates.
  • If an applied candidate passes the 'Interview stage' and is then moved to a similar position that uses the same pipeline, shipowners / crew managers no longer need fill out the same interview answers as they will be automatically transferred.
  • Shipowners / crew managers now receive Change Over Date Reminder emails when there are 7 and 2 days left before the date, as well as 1 day after the date.
  • If a candidate is hired by a shipowner / crew manager and they decide to apply the candidate to another position, the manning agent will be notified by email.
  • Manning agents can now edit shipment details on the Shipment page.
  • New design for the Recruitment page.
  • Search option is no longer case sensitive.
  • Download icon is now displayed next to each document in the system.
  • If a document entry has several attachments previews for all of them will be displayed.
  • Timezone of all messages now converts accordingly to the user’s timezone. This can be managed in Profile -> Settings.
  • 'Availability Date' renamed to 'Readiness Date'.
May 06, 2019

May 6th 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • Shipowners / crew managers can export a candidate's CV with the Export PDF button on the Candidate Profile page.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can view manning agent fees at Settings -> Manning Agents.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can set all necessary info in the 'Engine files' for each vessel. The field is now supported as a usual text input.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can upload edit-protected and password-protected files.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can choose Furuno FEA or Furuno FMD as the ECDIS instead of Furuno.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can set any currency for a salary.
  • Candidates can now subscribe for new job notifications on the Find Job page. Notifications are based on search results as set by the candidate.
  • A Supporter now has access to all candidates who applied for the Supporter's vessel's positions.
  • Supporters name now displayed for all positions that are created for the Supporters' vessel.
  • The system now imports Qualifications Licenses, Medical Examinations, Qualifications Certificates, Training Experience and Next Of Kin data from NSE.
Apr 02, 2019

April 2nd 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • New document types have been added to the system. The full list of documents is displayed in a candidate's profile on the Document Edit page and in Settings -> Data Templates.
  • It is now possible to add several attachments per one document entry.
  • The system now only requires zip codes for countries that use them.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can browse closed jobs.
  • Shipowners / crew managers can edit the agreed salary at the Negotiation stage, but only if the recruitment is still in process.
  • Excel import now supports work history. Example of an import document available for Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents is on the Candidates page. To download it click Import Candidates -> Download Example File.
  • The system now imports the following data from NSE: personal profile, next of kin, qualifications, licenses, medical examinations and training experience.
Feb 27, 2019

February 27th 2019 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • Shipowners / crew managers can now search for candidates using first name only, last name only or telephone number.
  • Candidates can now view message history by clicking on the Message button under Settings.
Feb 06, 2019

February 6th 2019 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes

  • Martide company users now have manning agent functionality and can apply candidates to any public position.
  • Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents can now import candidates via an Excel document using the Import Candidates button on the Candidates page
  • Shipowners / crew managers and manning agents can combine candidates in pools for easy search and access by first creating a pool in Settings -> Candidate Pools. Users can then add a candidate to the pool on the same page or in the candidate profile. The search option 'Pool' has been added to the Candidate page to search for candidates within a selected pool.