New updates and improvements to Martide.
Jan 25, 2019
January 25th 2019 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can now see candidates that have registered themselves in the system and have set their Job Status as 'Actively looking' or 'Open But Not Actively Looking'.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now add several Alternative Document entries per rank.
Jan 15, 2019
January 15th 2019 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- A 'Work Experience' section has been added to the search filters on the Candidates page. Now a shipowner / crew manager can search seafarers by Rank, Years of experience and Vessel Type based on work history.
- A new search option has been added to the Recruitment page which allows shipowners / crew managers to search positions where candidates of a specific age have applied.
- The subject line in the notification email that informs a shipowner / crew manager about required action at the Interview Stage now contains detailed information about a position.
- Shipowners / crew managers now have access to a new Reports -> Onboard page where information about all hired candidates is displayed inc. vessel, position, name, and contract expiry date.
Jan 07, 2019
January 7th 2019 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can now skip any chosen stages in the recruitment process for ex-crew by going to the Pipeline settings and turning on the Ex-Crew switch for stages that their ex-crew can skip.
- Minor search improvements.
Dec 18, 2018
December 18th 2018 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can now select a group that will be responsible for each interview stage - e.g. a general interview can be managed by Group 1 and a technical interview by Group 2
- Each group will receive an email notification when a candidate has moved to the interview stage
- Selection of the 'Interview Kit' for each interview has been moved from the recruitment creation page to Settings -> Pipelines.
- The 'responsible group' can also be selected in Settings -> Pipelines.
Dec 13, 2018
December 13th 2018 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- CFM can now extract information about hired candidates via API.
- Shipowners / crew managers can use an extended list of tags for a message and contract templates - they now cover all candidate profile information.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now accept candidates during recruitment stages even if not all of the required information has been set. This feature can be enabled on the User Group page by turning on the 'Can be used for override pipeline approval' switch for a selected user group.
Dec 10, 2018
December 10th 2018 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Candidate no longer needs 'Flag State Endorsement' and 'Seaman Book (Flag State)' to apply. These documents can be added during the recruitment process.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now use the search option on each page where a list of entries is presented.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now add 3rd party users (Supporters) that manage chosen vessels and associated recruitments.
Dec 04, 2018
December 4th 2018 - Martide Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can now add flight information on a recruitment page. Information like airports, dates, times, flight numbers and total price can be set in the Flights Pipeline stage and be sent to a candidate by email once the employer has confirmed flight details.
Nov 29, 2018
November 29th 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can set a list of alternatives for each document to simplify the process of hiring more qualified candidates. The list of alternative documents can be managed at Settings -> Alternative Documents. Each list is set for a specific rank and can be used only if an employer created a position for the exact rank.
Nov 15, 2018
November 15th 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- A shipowner / crew manager can set minimum work experience for a position based on a candidate’s total offshore time on a vessel of the same type. Experienced candidates can be separated by the 'Only show candidates with required work experience' button on the Recruitment page.
- Shipowners / crew managers can add teammates to groups on the User Group page and set unique permissions for each.
- Shipowners / crew managers can control each recruitment process by adding a new 'Approval stage' into a pipeline. A member of the User Group can then re-check a candidate and approve them to continue the hiring process
- If an outdated or an unsupported browser is used to search for Martide an error message will be displayed.
- The salary for each position is hidden and can only be viewed when a candidate passes the ‘Negotiation stage’ of the recruitment process.
- Errors identified and corrected.
Oct 15, 2018
October 15th 2018 - Martide Monthly Changelog & Bug Fixes
- Shipowners / crew managers can give a manning agent full access to certain recruitment stages by going to the pipeline settings and setting the stages to ‘Outsourced’. The manning agent must first be chosen to advertise the position.
- Shipowners / crew managers can let candidates of specified nationalities skip the English Test by adding these nationalities to the ‘English Exception list’.
- Shipowners / crew managers can now move the ‘Negotiation stage’ to any point in the recruitment pipeline.
- Shipowners / crew managers can view the updated design of a Candidate Profile page.
- New ranks have been added: “Electrical Technical Officer” and “Junior Electrician”.
- A user can now search for an airport by both name and IATA code.
- 'Trading Area field’ has been added to the position description and can be edited by a shipowner / crew manager on the Recruitment Creation page.
- Manning agents will now receive a notification email after they have been chosen by a shipowner / crew manager to advertise their position.
- Errors identified and corrected.