
New updates and improvements to Martide.

May 17th - Martide's Weekly Changelog & Bug Fixes

New Features

  • In OCIMF we have added a ‘date selector’ and it is now possible to select a report by the date and to see calculations as they were on that date.
  • We have completely redesigned the Crew Changes function. In the past, you could only select one vessel, date and port before adding your on- and off-signers and arranging travel etc. Now, you select the vessel you want to add a crew change for, and your preferred airport, port and berthing date. You can then add additional ports, airports and dates to that change. This gives you a lot more flexibility and allows for a change of plans in the event that you need to conduct the crew change at a different port on your vessel’s route. 

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed various bugs throughout the system.