Navigating the job market in the maritime industry can be as challenging as steering through stormy seas. As a seaman or woman, your seafarer resume needs to reflect not only your expertise and qualifications but must also allow you to stand out in a highly competitive field.
And with more and more cadets graduating from maritime academies each year, there’s never been a greater need to make sure that you craft a really great seafarer CV and cover letter!
But now, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has introduced a new ally in the quest for writing the perfect resume for a seaman. Here's how A.I. can help you tailor your CV, making sure it catches the eye of both shipping companies and manning agencies.
Embracing Artificial Intelligence to write your seafarer resume
A lot of people are still very much on the fence about Artificial Intelligence and for every person you meet who thinks it’s a fantastic tool and a game changer in so many ways, you'll meet two others who tell you with panic in their voice that ‘the robots are taking over’.
Read more: Why Trash Talking Former Employers on Your Seafarer Resume is a No-No
While it’s too early to say that we’re all doomed at the hands of automatons, what we can say with a fair degree of certainty is that A.I. can help anyone who needs to write something, especially if they’re not quite sure what they want to say.
And that includes writing your seafarer resume. Because, let’s be honest; sitting down to write a maritime CV from scratch, or even updating it with your last few contracts at sea can be one of those things that you keep on putting off for ‘another day.’

So how can A.I. help you write your resume for a seaman and get that particular job ticked off your to-do list?
A.I. can help you write a personalized seafarer CV
AI-powered tools can analyze job postings and provide recommendations on how to tailor your resume to specific roles, and that includes jobs at sea. The technology can sift through the requirements of each position and suggest which experiences and skills to highlight.
For seafarers, whether you’re applying for a Able Bodied Seaman job, an engineering position, or a Chief Cook job, A.I. can help you customize your resume to showcase the qualifications that are most relevant to the position.
Read more: What You Should & Shouldn't Include on Your Seafarer Resume
Artificial Intelligence enables you to optimize your skills
One of the biggest challenges in seaman resume writing is understanding which skills are most valued by employers in the maritime industry. A.I. can bridge this gap by comparing your current skills with those frequently requested in seafarer job listings.
It can suggest areas for improvement or highlight certifications that could enhance your appeal to potential employers. For instance, if you are a marine engineer, A.I. might recommend emphasizing specific technical skills or obtaining advanced safety training certifications to boost your seafarer resume.
A.I. crafts error-free and compelling writing
You might be a really experienced seafarer - but you might not be a skilled maritime resume writer. A.I. comes to the rescue by offering advanced grammar and style checking tools, which go beyond basic spell check.

These tools can improve the readability of your seafarer CV, refine the tone, and ensure that your professional achievements are communicated clearly and effectively.
A.I. can also help avoid the common pitfalls of resume writing, such as overused phrases and clichés, making your document more original and engaging.
Read more: 10 Big Mistakes Not To Make in Your Seafarer Resume
You don’t need to worry about formatting and layout design
The presentation of your resume for a seaman can be just as important as its content. AI-powered resume builders provide a range of templates and design options tailored to various professional levels and industries, including the maritime sector.
These tools can help you organize your information in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to read, ensuring that important details like your sea service, certifications, and safety training are easy for crew managers and manning agents to find.
A.I. can make your claims sound more meaningful
Artificial Intelligence tools can assist in quantifying your professional achievements in meaningful ways.
For example, instead of simply stating that you "managed a team," an AI-enhanced resume tool can guide you to present this experience more impactfully by suggesting you include the size of the team, the type of work your team did, or specific outcomes.

In the maritime industry, quantifying achievements might look like detailing the value of the cargo you managed or improvements in safety measures that were made under your supervision.
Artificial Intelligence can give you real-time feedback
Some A.I. resume builders offer real-time feedback, allowing you to see how modifications to your seafarer CV might affect your chances of landing a job.
This can be particularly useful when you are experimenting with different ways to present your maritime experience or trying to decide between emphasizing your leadership experience or your hands-on technical skills.
Read more: How to Sell Yourself in a Maritime Resume without Showing Off
You’ll be given maritime industry-specific advice
Did you know that A.I. isn’t just about automation; it’s also about insights? Certain advanced Artificial Intelligence platforms are designed to provide specific advice for various industries, including maritime.
These might include tips on keywords related to maritime operations, advice on highlighting compliance with international maritime regulations, or ways to showcase your expertise in navigation technology.
Should you use A.I. to write your seafarer resume?
For seafarers in the ever-evolving shipping industry, standing out in the maritime job market is essential.
Leveraging A.I. in crafting your resume for a seaman can significantly enhance your visibility and appeal to potential employers. By ensuring your CV is not only comprehensive but also precisely tailored and impeccably presented, A.I. can be your co-pilot in navigating the complex waters of finding your next seafarer job.

So is it the right course of action for you? Or are you better off writing your own maritime CV from scratch? After all, doesn’t it feel a little bit like cheating to use Artificial Intelligence to land your next job at sea?
We’d say that as long as all the facts are correct, and your seafarer resume is honest about your skills, education and qualifications, then there is no harm in getting a little extra help in formatting, spelling, and perfecting your CV.
Just keep in mind that lying on your maritime resume can, and usually will, backfire.
So whether you’re kickstarting your maritime career or looking to advance to the next rank or level, A.I. tools offer a compelling advantage in your seafarer job search strategy.
Read more: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Seafarer Resume
Having said that, if even writing your seafarer CV with A.I.’s help still sounds like a little bit of too much work, we have another solution for you...
How Martide can help you write your seafarer resume
Martide makes it easier than ever to create your seafarer resume online. We do this with something called seafarer profiles. When you create a Martide account, you’ll have full access to your profile.
This contains everything from your name and personal information to your education and maritime work experience to your bank account details and your preferences - i.e. how long you prefer your contracts to be, what date you are ready to embark, your salary expectations and the vessels you prefer to work on.

Your Martide seafarer profile is also where you can upload and store all of your seafarer documents safely and conveniently. This means that not only are they easily accessible for when you need to download a copy, they are also visible to crew managers and manning agents, so that they can see if you’re the right person for their seafarer job vacancy.
Read more: How to Store Your Seafarer Resume & Documents Online
In a nutshell, your Martide seafarer profile acts as your online maritime resume and, why exactly is this so great? It’s because:
- Your Martide seafarer profile contains all the information about your maritime career and experience so far, making it easier for employers to check out your profile and see if you’re right for their job at sea.
- If you set your profile to ‘public’ crew managers and manning agents can reach out to you if they want to interview you - meaning you might find your next seafarer job without even trying!
- It’s quick and easy to update your profile with new contracts, licenses, experience and other documentation. Otherwise, you don’t need to touch it as all of the info is there already.
- There's no need to print out and send your online seafarer resume, or even email it to employers - it’s all there in the system.
And although we’ve just told you the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence to write your maritime resume, best of all, you won’t even need to touch an A.I. tool as Martide’s system tells you exactly what information to fill in and where.
Creating your online seafarer CV with Martide couldn’t be easier and, of course, it’s completely free to do so.
All you need is a free seafarer Martide account, which you can create here and you’re good to go!
Create your Martide account today and we’ll look forward to seeing you onboard soon!
And don’t forget to download our seafarer job app for iOS or Android from the Apple App Store or from Google Play either!

Eve Church
Eve is Martide's content writer, publishing regular posts on everything from our maritime recruitment and crew planning software to life at sea. Eve has been writing professionally for more than two decades, crafting everything from SEO-focused blog posts and website landing pages to magazine articles and corporate whitepapers.

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