Containers are an integral part of shipping and logistics. They are used to transport a wide range of goods around the world, ranging from consumer goods like electronics and clothing to industrial goods like machinery and raw materials.
The term “smart” stands for Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology. As the shipping domain adapts to this technological trend, we can look forward to improvements in terms of time management, higher output, and shipping efficiency.
Marine salvage is the process of retrieving, rescuing, and repairing a ship – saving also its crew, cargo, and other properties – after a shipwreck or any other maritime accidents.
You might have heard of 'sea trials'. But what are sea trials, why are they important and what do they actually involve? At sea, there are any number of factors affecting a voyage so it's crucial for shipowners to be prepared for anything. And this is where sea trials come into play.
If you’ve ever heard the term sea time, you may have thought it refers to the time seafarers spend at sea. And you're not completely wrong. However, if you aspire to be a seafarer you need to know that sea time refers to a seafarer’s time spent working on a vessel.
The Mission to Seafarers published on Oct. 31 its data on the Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) for Q3 2022 where it showed the continuous increase of seafarers’ happiness levels following a record low in Q1 of this year.
According to the dictionary, a life jacket is a life preserver in the form of a buoyant jacket. This sleeveless inflatable jacket is also known as a personal flotation device and it aims to prevent drowning by keeping the wearer afloat when water-related accidents occur.
You know that you already have a lot on your table – managing your business, handling clients, taking care of your employees and seafarers – so it's best to have an A-team that can search for newcomers, who are ready to take part in your success.
Job ads have evolved from printed ads on posters and newspapers, to advertisements on TV, to online websites on the computer, up to the job-hunting apps in smartphones that we have today.
A hiring team will be responsible for the recruitment process from recruiting talent, interviewing seafarers to hiring the ideal seaman or woman for the position. So, if you want to lighten your load a bit, then it might be a good idea for you and your company to form a hiring committee.