How You Can Be Proud of Working in a Job at Sea

Whether you’re working in jobs at sea or in shore based maritime jobs, (or perhaps in another industry entirely), we all have those days when we don’t want to get out of bed to drag ourselves to work.
Or maybe we even briefly contemplate switching careers completely. And those hard working souls who are employed in seafarer jobs might feel like this more often than some people.
It’s no secret that maritime jobs are demanding. They’re hard work and can be tough both on the body and mind.
But those working in seafarer jobs have numerous reasons to take pride in the career path they have chosen. And it is this sense of pride that can help you through those days that feel like an uphill struggle.
So how do you go about taking pride in the work you do and in the jobs at sea you sign contracts for when you’re tired and wondering if it’s all worth it?
Why you should be proud of working in a seafarer job
The first step is to realize how much value seafarer jobs provide. When you stop to consider the fact that around 90% of the world’s trade is done through shipping, that’s huge!

You’re playing a very important part in the way that the world operates on a global scale.
Put simply: you’re one of the cogs that makes the world work. It might feel like you’re just one small human on a massive vessel, on a vast ocean and in a mindbogglingly huge industry, but without you and your fellow crewmates, trade would grind to a halt, millions of people would be out of work, and families would go hungry.
And it’s not only transporting goods and products that container ships are responsible for.
The maritime industry also plays an important part in reducing hunger and poverty in many developing nations. This is because it provides a genuine source of employment and therefore income for the people who live in them.
Everything from providing opportunities for crew with seafarer jobs to employment in the areas of ship building, ship repair, and ship recycling to shore based maritime jobs in seaports and harbors, our industry creates jobs where none may have previously existed.
Take pride in maritime jobs and the role you play
It doesn’t matter whether you’re usually working in oiler jobs or have accepted a chief officer vacancy, a vessel is made up of team players. Your rank and your achievements are something to be proud of and you shouldn’t lose sight of that.
And no matter which seafarer rank you are, you're also doing a job that many people would find way too challenging!
Let’s look at it this way: we all know people who work just for the sake of it. Of course, we all have to pay the bills and the rent or the mortgage. And to do that most of us need a job!

But there’s a difference between working only to get paid at the end of the month or contract, and being someone who is following a career and feels they have a true calling or found their vocation.
And that’s most likely to be you, as someone who is working in seafarer jobs. You’ve gone through maritime training, gained qualifications, amassed sea time, given up precious time with your family, and possibly even faced real danger on the oceans.
And that’s a massive deal. You should genuinely be proud of that.
Plus, this isn’t even your actual job that we’re talking about - these are all the things you’ve achieved and overcome to embark on your chosen career.
More reasons to take pride in working in jobs at sea
Leaving things such as world commerce and poverty aside for a moment, there are countless other factors that can contribute to your sense of pride in your contracts and seafarer jobs.
For example, if you’re someone who works in oiler jobs, you’re directly responsible for keeping your vessel, her cargo and your fellow crew safe.
Finished your watch without incident? Well done. You might be tired but you can be proud of a job well done!

You should also take pride in being a member of the crew that people like to work with and shipowners and managers like to re-hire for their vacancies for seamen. Do your work to the best of your abilities, help others out, and always be willing to learn.
True pride comes from a feeling of satisfaction and knowing that you’ve always done your best.
Line up future jobs at sea with Martide
At Martide we help licensed individuals who are looking for seafarer jobs line up their next contract.
We work with some of the shipping industry’s most respected shipowners, ship managers and manning agents - just another reason why you should be proud to be a seaman and one who finds their maritime jobs with Martide. (Even if we do say so ourselves!)
No matter whether you’re looking for fitter, junior electrician, able seaman or oiler jobs, we’re sure to have the vacancies for seamen and a position for you. Looking for a cook, master or chief officer vacancy? Take a look at our open jobs at sea and apply today.
Read: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Jobs at Sea
All you need to do is register an account and create your seafarer profile with and you’ll be good to go!

Plus if you want to make it really easy to find jobs at sea, you should really download the free Martide mobile app for seamen.
It puts all of our seafarer jobs at your fingertips no matter where in the world you are. It also enables you to stay in touch with shipowners and employers and stay one step ahead when it comes to updates about your job applications and contracts.
Get the Martide app right now from Google Play for Android phones or the Apple App Store for iPhones and iPads and we hope that we will see you onboard very soon!
Stay safe and stay proud.

Eve Church
Eve is Martide's content writer, publishing regular posts on everything from our maritime recruitment and crew planning software to life at sea. Eve has been writing professionally for more than two decades, crafting everything from SEO-focused blog posts and website landing pages to magazine articles and corporate whitepapers.

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